Make your values visible in day-to-day work
Would someone from outside your company know what your company values are based on your employees' actions? Jane Henry, CEO of Xcution, Inc., talks about how they make their corporate values visible on a day-to-day basis.
Robin: Hello, and welcome to this edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies. I’m Robin Tooms, vice president of strategy at Savage Brands. And my guest again today is Jane Henry, CEO of Xcution, Inc. So, Jane, welcome back to Brandonomics.
Jane: I love it here.
Robin: Jane, we’ve been talking about how we help companies with their internal branding, and it’s really about putting the employees in the right mindset and giving them the right tools. But I want you to turn that lens a bit internally into your own company. So how do you do it at Xcution?
Jane: So for us, it’s talking about it on a day-to-day basis. So our core values are service leadership, partnership and accountability. So it’s not just defining those core values, but we also say, how do you know when you’re in service leadership? Well, we’re in service leadership because people are asking us, can you help us. We’re in partnership because they’re asking us, what do you think? And we’re being accountable cause we’re getting our job done.
Robin: You make it visible.
Jane: That. Make it visible on a day-to-day basis.
Robin: So this is probably really good advice for other companies that are running professional services firms. What advice do you have to give to them?
Jane: My favorite exercise is Jim Collins’ Martian exercise, where he says, if the Martians were to come and visit the earth and look at your company, what would they see? So, you know put yourself out of the community and what your clients want you to be. What would they see as a part of your employees, how they behave on a day-to-day basis? So think about that. Commit it to paper. And then share it. Next thing you know you’ll be getting the results you only aspired to achieve.
Robin: Well, thank you. Great advice. I will definitely do that.
Jane: Awesome. Good.
Robin: This has been another edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies.
Xcution is a management consulting company that implements strategic change to unleash true velocity behind initiatives. Xcution works directly with mangers supporting strategic initiatives, projects and operations to create high-performing, results-driven and execution-focused teams.