What are you doing to promote conversations that matter in your industry?
We've all heard about how important it is to be thought leaders in our industry, but this is easier said than done. See how IHS has shaped strategic conversations at its CERAweek conference. Robin Tooms gets the whole story when she hosts Shavonnah Schreiber, director of global campaigns and events at IHS, Inc.
Robin: Hello and welcome to this edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies. I am Robin Tooms, VP of Strategy at Savage Brands, and my guest again is Shavonnah Schreiber, Director of Global Campaign and Events at IHS. So, Shavonnah, welcome back to Brandonomics.
Shavonnah: Thank you.
Robin: I’m so glad that you made the time, because obviously, IHS hosts a very amazing event called CERAWeek, which you obviously play a very big part in, and I’m curious, why an event like CERAWeek? Why do you host that event? Why is it important to the marketing strategy of the company?
Shavonnah: So CERAWeek, we just celebrated our 35th year this year, so, you know, long time in the making. And the reason it’s really important to IHS is because CERAWeek is all about what is going to happen, or the ideas, the thought leadership around what’s to come in energy, and all aspects of energy; what’s to come. So it really is an event that our most senior executives at our energy companies, including oil ministers, so not just for-profit, but you know, all sorts of energy executives come and they want to engage with their peers, they want to hear from the analysts, IHS analysts, and others around what do we think is going to happen in the future, the next year ahead. And then from that, that insight, that thought leadership, how are we going to change the way we operate, or how are we going to adjust in our business so we can continue to be successful.
Robin: Yeah, and this definitely fits in with the brand and what you want to be known for, but I’m sure with an investment of this type, it also has to relate to the sales goals as well.
Shavonnah: Absolutely.
Robin: That’s not like a typical conference or event. So, how does the sales team work this into the sales strategy?
Shavonnah: Very gently.
Robin: Explain.
Shavonnah: Yeah, so at CERAWeek, as I mentioned, these are the most senior executives at many companies as well as government officials, etc., so, it’s a very delicate way that you have to manage the sales strategy, and because the people who attend CERAWeek are not your economic buyer. They’re obviously heavily influential in a buying decision, especially as it gets over a certain value, but they’re not the ones that will sign the PO. So, the sales team really works with the marketing and the commercial teams at IHS to understand how in those very strategic opportunities they can leverage a CEO, or an SVP, etc., being present at CERAWeek with our other very high ranking officials at IHS, to help, perhaps further a sales initiative. So, for example, say a sales executive had an opportunity at a company and they’re working with a leader of a division or of a part of the world.
The CEO is going to be there, they’re speaking on a panel. We have an analyst that’s an expert in what’s happening in their business or in the part of the world they’re operating. How can we bring those two people together so we can demonstrate the full value of what IHS can provide to that company, not just that one single sales opportunity. So it really is a longer term, more strategic play, I believe, from a sales perspective, in how you mix in a conference like CERAWeek, which is very unique, with all the other marketing efforts that happen throughout the year.
Robin: Well, I’m glad you explained how that approach works for the company, but also how others could consider it too.
Shavonnah: Absolutely.
Robin: Practically speaking. So thank you. This has been another edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies.
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