Change initiatives mean building ‘one company’
Whether you're communicating internally or externally, the goal is to create one company that delivers on your brand consistently. Jeppe Hansgaard, partner at Innovisor, shares insights into corporate change.
Robin: Hello, and welcome to this edition of Brandonomics, and inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies. I’m Robin Tooms, VP of Strategy at Savage Brands, and my guest again is Jeppe Hansgaard, partner at Innovisor. So Jeppe, welcome back to Brandonomics.
Jeppe Thank you, Robin.
Robin: Well, I want to talk today a little bit about organizational change, and a common challenge we hear is that companies are trying to pull together these unified organizations, but they can’t–it’s just so challenging. So what advice would you have for CEOs that are trying to do this within their companies?
Jeppe So one of the primary objectives that we work with at Innovisor is we try to build one company, as we call it. And one company means that you align all internal stakeholders towards the same message, towards the same brand. If they have the same brand perception, they can also communicate externally, and then that’s where you realize the real value.
Robin: Right. So that internal organizational alignment is extremely important, but also for me as a branding perspective, making sure that that brand experience is delivered consistently is very critical.
Jeppe I agree.
Robin: Well, thank you for sharing that insight, then. This has been another edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies.
Innovisor is the global frontrunner in organizational network diagnostics. They consult with business leaders and management to create more effective businesses and more efficient change initiative implementation and strategic projects by connecting the mind, heart and muscle of an organization.