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Savage Brands Sustainability Projects Featured in National Communications Book

Posted on Categories News, Sustainability

HOUSTON – (February 15, 2016) Two client projects by Savage Brands are featured in “The Book of CSR & Green PR Strategies & Tactics” published by PR News Press. The book is a collection of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability programs that demonstrate how companies are focusing on these important strategies as a means to communicate its values and brand to stakeholders.

“Companies that have adopted CSR or green strategies as part of their business plan are seeking ways to communicate those programs in an authentic and genuine way, not promotional or exploitative,” said Robin Tooms, Savage principal and vice president of strategy, who authored the article. “Incorporating a commitment to CSR and sustainability programs into the company’s annual reporting is one way to tell a compelling story and reflect the company’s goals and values.”

The two projects by Savage showcase innovative annual reporting programs that demonstrate sustainability is an integrated part of a brand strategy. The article features Savage’s work for Sysco, a global leader in marketing and distributing food to restaurants and foodservice businesses, and Entergy Corporation, an integrated energy company. It also includes five steps to strategically promote a sustainability report to ensure recognition as a company committed to a better future.

The article cites Sysco’s uses of an interactive sustainability report to tell its story and underscore its commitment to sustainability and innovation. Additionally, Sysco produced an interactive app that creates opportunities for its sales team to communicate its sustainability messages to customers.

“This innovative way to share its commitment to sustainability allowed Sysco to reach additional people in an easy-to-use format with a message this is vital to its corporate culture,” said Tooms.

For Entergy, Savage created an integrated online accountability report uniting its financial and sustainability story. The goal was to deliver one clear report that interwove the content and sent a cohesive message to all the company’s stakeholders.

“Instead of trying to describe the pillars of Entergy’s complex business strategy, the report condensed the message to core values and key strategic imperatives,” said Tooms. “This showed that sustainability was not just a singular add-on initiative, but an integrated part of its business and vision.”

Visit the PRNews online store for copies of “The Book of CSR & Green PR Strategies & Tactics.” For more information about sustainability reporting, contact Savage Brands at 713-552-1555.