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Harnessing the Power of Chat GPT in Digital Marketing

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By understanding the capabilities and potential concerns surrounding Chat GPT and other AI technologies, we at Savage Brands are committed to helping our clients harness the power of AI in digital marketing responsibly and effectively.

Since Chat GPT has entered the public consciousness, it’s already massively changed the day-to-day of digital marketers. A simple search for “digital marketing” on a prompt database will unearth an infinite array of possibilities, from out-of-the-box strategies to email marketing generators.

Marketers are producing high-quality, contextually relevant content at scale, delivering content faster and better. Once the marketing is out there, GPT can further be used for analysis, insights and next steps.

And that’s just marketing. While global tech leaders call for a cooling period amid the Space Race of our times, one thing’s for sure: it’s an interesting time to be alive and wearing a white collar.

Laptop image with graphs on the screenMainstream Applications

Many digital marketers are turning to Chat GPT to generate content for their marketing campaigns, including blog posts, social media captions, and email newsletters. Meanwhile, tools like Midjourney are being used to generate design concepts based on user input. From logo designs that accurately reflect a company’s identity to that perfect stock photo that just doesn’t exist yet, it’s hard not to get excited about the possibilities.

Imagine integrating one of these tools into a spreadsheet to interpret digital marketing data and provide actionable insights. This is already happening via the backend of popular analytics tools such as Google Analytics, but individual marketers now have the ability to make AI work for them in very specific ways.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

As AI continues to advance, the concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is gaining traction. AGI refers to machines that possess the ability to understand and perform any intellectual task that a human being can do. In the context of digital marketing, AGI could further revolutionize the industry by automating complex tasks, generating creative ideas and offering personalized marketing solutions at scale.

While the development of AGI promises unprecedented capabilities, it also raises concerns about its potential impact on the job market, intellectual property and online safety. As a result, it is crucial for marketers and businesses to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that AGI will bring to the digital marketing landscape.

Additional Considerations

While this is all exciting, it’s okay to feel a little shaken up as well. Here are some of the ways the general population is thinking about AI’s role in society moving forward.

As AI becomes more advanced, there are concerns that it could lead to significant job losses across all industries, particularly for white collar workers. Automation of tasks may result in a reduction in demand for human labor, particularly for roles that involve repetitive tasks.

However, it is essential to recognize that AI can also create new job opportunities by necessitating the development of new skills and expertise in areas such as AI management, data analysis and personalized marketing. Goldman Sachs estimates that AI advances could computerize as many as 300 million full-time jobs. However, with a potential global GDP raise of 7%, workers will have new opportunities by way of job creation, reskilling/upskilling, transitioning to higher-paying jobs, and more.

Intellectual Property
Widespread adoption of AI technologies like Chat GPT can lead to increased instances of intellectual property (IP) theft, as the AI can generate content that closely resembles existing works. To mitigate this risk, businesses must implement strong IP protection measures and develop strategies to ensure that their content remains unique and authentic.

For example, are generative AI prompts intellectual property? Comparing it to a developer’s source code, Christopher Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at, had this to say:

“Prompts aren’t just casual pieces of text to fling around. Treat them with care, consideration, and caution – especially if they save time, save money, or make money. If you’re an employer, you need to have clear policies in place if you don’t already about how people should treat intellectual property – because the average person isn’t going to think of a prompt as code, but it is 100% code that you own.”

Online Safety & Privacy
With the proliferation of AI-generated content, there is a growing concern about the potential for misinformation, deepfakes and other malicious uses of technology. To address this issue, digital marketers and businesses must establish ethical guidelines for AI usage and adopt robust content verification processes to maintain the integrity of their online presence.
Meanwhile, AI makes it even easier to mine and sell personal data. As Barnard Marr puts it in Future Skills: “Data can be turned directly into corporate profits.”

He points to Cosmose AI, which buys data from more than 400,000 apps and 1 billion smartphones and shares it with companies like Walmart to help them sell more products. And not all data companies anonymize the information like Cosmose AI does.

Global Stability
As AI technologies become more advanced and accessible, there is a risk that individuals or organizations with malicious intent could leverage these tools for harmful purposes. To counteract this threat, governments, regulatory bodies, and experts must establish regulations and oversight mechanisms with human values in mind to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.


Chat GPT has already made a significant impact on the digital marketing landscape, offering exciting new possibilities for content creation, data analysis and customer engagement. As AI continues to advance and the concept of AGI becomes more prevalent, it is crucial for marketers and businesses to stay informed about the latest developments, embrace the opportunities and address the challenges that come with AI adoption.

By understanding the capabilities and potential concerns surrounding Chat GPT and other AI technologies, we at Savage Brands are committed to helping our clients harness the power of AI in digital marketing responsibly and effectively. Together, we can navigate this new era of marketing and ensure a bright future for our clients and the industry as a whole.

Avatar photoSarah Snyder-Castañeda is a Digital Ads Manager and Content Creator with a long-established career in SEO/SEM. Originally a journalist, her background in writing and research informs her approach that combines the technical and human aspects of marketing. A lifelong passionate learner, Sarah enjoys sharing her knowledge of all things digital.