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Rankings At-Risk: How to Use AI SEO to Protect Search Visibility

Posted on Categories Marketing Communications, SEO/SEM, Web + Online MarketingTags

The landscape of SEO has undergone such a significant transformation that having an AI SEO strategy is now table stakes. Here's how to get started.

AI hand on a computerTraditional tactics that businesses have relied on for search visibility are no longer as effective. This shift can be attributed to two major developments: the evolution of SEO algorithms and the rise of AI assisted search alongside AI-generated content.

Successful SEO now more than ever hinges on building brand authority, enhancing user experience and incorporating first-party data and expert insights to differentiate content. This paradigm shift underscores the significance of not just competing on keywords but elevating the content’s value to engage and convert audiences more effectively.

As the need for AI SEO becomes more apparent, businesses are exploring diverse strategies to adapt and maintain their online visibility, especially those that don’t require overhauling their websites. Here are a few examples of this at play.

AI SEO Strategy At A Glance

SEO strategists have understood for years that it’s more about entities now, less about keywords; the proliferation of AI search has underscored the need for teams to respond. Entity-based SEO has moved the focus from keywords to the context in which those keywords are used.

In SEO, entities are real-world things or concepts that your web pages are about. These could be people, places, things, ideas, or even events. Think of them as the “who, what, where, and why” behind your content. By understanding and optimizing for these entities, you can help search engines better grasp your content and deliver it to the right audience.

This approach is not only more aligned with the natural language processing capabilities of modern search engines but also caters to the increasing popularity of voice search, which demands a more conversational understanding of queries. Additionally, entity-based SEO relies heavily on structured data and major listing directories such as Google Business Profile, Bing and Apple Business Connect.

Listing Optimization

One approach gaining traction is the utilization of AI-powered tools to enhance SEO strategies. These tools are designed to align with the current emphasis on entities and structured data, a critical component in AI SEO. For instance, solutions like AI-forward listing services focus on optimizing business listings, reviews and location pages with structured data to improve search engine visibility.

Hyperlocal Landing Pages

The development of hyperlocal landing pages tailored for AI SEO represents another innovative strategy. These pages are crafted to cater to specific market needs, employing entity-based SEO to boost local visibility and relevance in search results. This method aligns with the trend towards more personalized and location-specific search outcomes.

SGE Optimization

Another noteworthy AI SEO tactic aims to enhance a brand’s presence in AI-generated search results. With search engines like Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) prioritizing entity relationships over mere keyword matching, such tools are becoming essential for businesses seeking to remain competitive in search rankings.

A New Chapter – Are You In?

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too must our strategies for navigating it. The shift towards AI SEO represents a new chapter in digital marketing, one that demands flexibility, adaptability and a willingness to embrace new technologies. By understanding these changes and leveraging the solutions, businesses can secure their place at the forefront of their industries.

For expert guidance on integrating AI SEO into your digital marketing strategy, contact us today.

Avatar photoSarah Snyder-Castañeda is a Digital Ads Manager and Content Creator with a long-established career in SEO/SEM. Originally a journalist, her background in writing and research informs her approach that combines the technical and human aspects of marketing. A lifelong passionate learner, Sarah enjoys sharing her knowledge of all things digital.