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How Purpose Changed Our Company for the Better

Posted on Categories Culture/Employee Engagement, Savage ThinkingTags

Savage has always been a forward-looking company – whether we were leading the way in testing technology to enhance the skills of our designers or designing websites before most firms knew what a URL was – so when we began to hear whispers about the impact of corporate purpose, we knew we wanted to be early adopters.

In my last blog, I talked about why and how we implemented purpose at Savage. In this one, I want to talk about some of the things that purpose changed for us.

Our purpose is a bold one: We believe that by helping companies deliver on their purpose, we are revolutionizing Corporate America. It takes a serious cultural shift to pull off a revolution. Here are just a few of the adjustments we had to make as a firm – and why they’ve made us a better company:

We ask better questions

Being a purposeful brand has changed the way we talk to clients and to each other. Now when we approach a project, it’s not about what needs to be done – it’s about why. And when you start with why, you start asking better questions.

Like these: Why do you need an internal brand refresh? What processes could change in conjunction with this rebrand to demonstrate to employees you mean what you say? Why do you want to brand this event? Is this the best way to engage with the audience your company needs to reach?

We focus on what’s important rather than what’s hot

We’re all so busy that it’s easy to get caught up in what’s urgent and let the really valuable things slide. Purpose is a huge element of helping Savages prioritize – instead of topping a to-do list with whatever was emailed in bold with exclamation marks, we can hold things up against our purpose statement and assess them. Is this helping us deliver on our purpose? If not, then why should it be on my task list?

We build more valuable relationships with the right kind of clients

Once you’ve got purpose on the brain, you start seeing it everywhere – and one of the great things about embarking on our own purpose journey has been meeting other purposeful companies along the way. When we get to work with these clients, magic happens. Because we’re able to form more of a partnership with them, we can bring value to their businesses far beyond the physical deliverables.

Want to learn more about how purpose could change your company for the better? Contact me – I’m Savage’s Purpose Architect.


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