The power of effective branding
What do you see when your branding is really working? Jim Aivalis, president and CEO of Prometheus Energy Group, talks about the power of effective branding.
Robin: Hello, and welcome to this edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies. I am Robin Tooms, vice president of strategy at Savage, and my guest again is Jim Aivalis, CEO and president of Prometheus Energy Group. So Jim, welcome back to Brandonomics.
Jim: Robin, so nice to see you again. Thank you for having me on board today.
Robin: Okay, wonderful. I loved talking with you last time about ThruBit, which was a logging solutions company that’s now been acquired by Schlumberger.
Jim: Yes.
Robin: And the reason why I’m interested is because the branding, I assume, helped that acquisition. So tell me a little bit about that.
Jim: I think the branding helped us tremendously in the entire perception of our company in the marketplace, and with our competitors, not only locally, but on a global basis. We differentiated ourselves with our branding, our messaging, and our collateral material that really brought the company to a high point in brand recognition with our customers where they knew what the company did. We stood out as an innovative company that brought new solutions and new services to help them increase the value of their wells as they drilled them, acquired data, and produced them over time.
Robin: Sounds wonderful. I’m wondering even prior to the acquisitions, did you see some benefits of the branding?
Jim: We would start having customers call us, asking what we did once they heard about our name, the messages we were giving in the marketplace, both in trade shows and journal articles, and they knew we were something new. They knew we were something different. They knew we were something that provided value to them that would give them better return on their investment and help them make better decisions while mitigating risk and lowering cost.
Robin: Great, so that is the power of branding.
Jim: That is the power of branding, and it was very important in the evolution of our company.
Robin: Well thank you for sharing that, Jim.
Jim: Thank you, Robin.
Robin: This has been another edition of Brandonomics, an inside look at top brands and their marketing strategies.
ThruBit, a Schlumberger company, provides openhole logging services conveying the smallest openhole logging tools available in the industry, using a unique through-the-bit deployment technique. Its services have been run on some of the longest horizontal operations in North America and in difficult hole conditions when acquiring normal wireline logs was not possible.
Prometheus Energy is one of the largest and fastest growing suppliers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the industrial sector in North America. The company provides turnkey fuel solutions to convert industrial users of diesel, propane and other crude-derived fuels to clean, domestic, secure LNG, resulting in reduced fuel costs and environmental footprint.