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The Power Of Recognition

Posted on Categories Culture/Employee Engagement, Internal Communications, PurposeTags

Human beings need recognition like they need water.

In fact, recognition for a job well done releases dopamine, the body’s feel-good neurotransmitter. Dopamine is also directly linked to motivation, as our brains are hardwired to recreate that experience. That connection can lead to better job performance as we look for that lift again. However, those are not the only reasons why recognition is so powerful. While hearing “great job” can give us a boost, it tends to be short term. For more sustainable culture change, peer-to-peer recognition programs can fuel ongoing motivation and create lasting impact. 

At Savage, we have created a program that allows every employee to recognize others when we see them acting in ways that demonstrate our behaviors in action. If you have read about behaviors, you know that these are statements that align with each of your values and describe the actions we want employees to take to demonstrate our commitment to living those values. For example, one of our values at Savage is HUMAN and one of the behaviors under HUMAN is, SHARE YOUR PASSION. We created cards for each of our behaviors so that when we see others demonstrate these behaviors, we can recognize them for doing so. We encourage people to use these cards to capture examples of their co-workers living our values and we have created a ritual where we come together once a month in our staff meeting to share these stories of our behaviors in action. With regular practice of recognizing these critical elements of your Foundational Statements, you can deliver on your purpose and drive desired outcomes.

Another creative idea for recognizing one another is this simple exercise. Label index cards with employee’s names and create an envelope for each employee. Then ask everyone to write one thing they value about each teammate on the cards. The power of this exercise is two-fold – you give each member of your team a chance to feel valued but also help everyone express their gratitude. Alternatively, you can take that positive feedback and give it all at once or share it gradually, making the benefits last. 

In addition to these exercises, there are a plethora of employee recognition platforms available that can help you manage the abstracts such as employee satisfaction and engagement, with efficiency. If your organization is enterprise-size, a platform may be the way to go. Some, such as Bonusly, even have analytics to help point out team member’s strengths. Companies like Visa use Fond for their global recognition for diverse teams. In the hands of thoughtful leaders and peers, these tools can enhance your company culture.

If you are looking to infuse your workplace culture with new energy, you may want to consider implementing a recognition program. Employee engagement links directly to your culture, and culture links directly to your bottom line. Forty-three percent of highly engaged employees receive feedback at least once a week and companies with engaged employees have 2.5 times more revenue vs. their competitors with low engagement levels. The ROI of employee recognition is incredible, and when tied to a strong set of Foundational Statements, it can also be purposefully rewarding.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

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Avatar photoWith a love for design and a passion for technology this mother of four has never shied away from a day of hard work in either. After working in the IT field as a marketing director, she now works in the marketing field as Manager of Technology & Business Services for Savage. Just don't be fooled by her sweet nature, underneath lies the heart of a gamer, and the competition better watch out.