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Storytelling for Branding and Marketing. Links to Read and Follow.

Posted on Categories Branding, Marketing Communications, Social MediaTags

Stories motivate, inform and inspire. Like campfire stories of old, they are memorable because they invite the audience to “actively participate” and absorb key points by relating to the narrative elements. Because of this, storytelling is a powerful tool for brand communications (and let’s not forget social media too).

6 Secrets To Branding, Ripped From “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”

It’s fitting to start this post with this article about how it important it is to set the tone, in the beginning, with every brand experience. As the article states: “What do ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ and Ikea have in common? They both create overtures ‰-opening sequences that communicate what comes next.”

Telling tales. The art of corporate storytelling.

A gem from a Costo-published magazine. Stories can help share the authenticity of an organization. And “When you tell a story, people understand what the mission is and they understand how they can enact it.”

The Downton Abbey Guide to Irresistible Narrative Marketing

Now that another Savage has mentioned this has fine story (although a bit like “Dynasty” for the nostalgic set), I’ve been thinking that I should start watching. Now that I know it’s a blueprint for storytelling, I can just pretend it’s homework for my next marketing campaign.

Pixar story rules (one version)

Pixar story artist Emma Coats posted guidelines that she learned from her more senior colleagues on how to create appealing stories. Tweetable, and yes, there is a book too.

The Five Basic Stories That Can Give Your Speeches Power

Before you embark on any story, it’s useful to know the universal themes that appeal on a basic human level. “There are five of these basic stories: the quest, the stranger in a strange land, rags to riches, the love story and the tale of revenge. Each has its own structure and its own situations where it’s useful.”

Psychology of Social Product Launches ‰- Part 3, Storytelling

The best stories are one that let the audience relate and draw their own conclusions. “Stories are how human beings spread ideas that are important or interesting to us. Storytelling is as old as mankind. We tell stories in many ways ‰- using words, images, sounds, gestures and expressions. Storytelling is at the heart of how we communicate with one another every day.”


Here are a few Twitter handles you should follow if you like the links above.



And this found infographic below is posted on the Savage Pinterest “top-notch infographics” board, so be sure to look there too.





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