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When to Ask: Why Not?

Posted on Categories Branding, Culture/Employee Engagement, StrategyTags

As a company, Savage has been reading thought-provoking books and discussing them together, talking about how their insight might apply to our work. We recently finished Start with Why by Simon Sinek, which encourages people to take a step back to understand why we do what we do.

This idea that the why matters rings true in the way a business operates ‰- or should operate ‰- to achieve long-term success. The factor that most determines the lasting success of an endeavor, whether it is in our personal lives or in our businesses, is our why, our motivation. When companies have a motivation beyond the bottom line, they build loyalty and drive real, long-term results.

Many companies are starting to feel this way. So for the ones that really want to push the envelope, the question may not be why? but rather, why not?

Why not try a different approach if the course you are traveling is becoming stagnant?


Why not think differently about your goals?


Why not push the boundaries of corporate America to stand out and become heard?


Think about it: the brands that stand out in our minds are the brands that express their why ‰- the difference they make. If we want our businesses to lead the pack, we can‰’t be afraid of change when what we‰’re doing isn‰’t working.

As a creative, we are constantly challenging ourselves to think outside the box and urging our clients to do the same. When we present concepts, there is always one option that pushes our clients outside their comfort zone, but it could be just the solution they need. We live for that ‰”Aha!‰” moment. When you deliver something expected, it will be glanced over for something different and more intriguing. Why not try something new?

Why not be brave?


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