For The Love Of Orange
I love the color orange.
Empathy and Accessible Design
Empathy in the design process makes sure that we honor every person who may interact with our work to assure that it is accessible for them.
Logo Design: Is “Good” “Good ‘nuff”?
The commoditization of branding and marketing has been going on for years.
Just Breathe
An hourly reminder to breathe…
The Best Part
I recently had someone ask me, “What’s your favorite part of a project/engagement?” “Oh, that’s definitely got to be the…well…hmm,”
A Policy is a Path – Part 3: Planning Social Sustainability into your Company’s Future
We’ve blogged about how we came to the realization that we needed to formalize our sustainability policy and we’ve gone into details about the environmental and economic aspects of our policy, but we’ve saved the part that we’re most proud of for last: our commitment to social sustainability.
A Policy is a Path – Part 2: Planning Economic Sustainability into your Company’s Future
The other day we blogged about how we came to the realization that it was time for Savage to have a clear sustainability policy when a potential client for a sustainability report asked about our own policy. Fast forward a couple of years, and now we’ve worked to integrate sustainability into every facet of our work. We formalized a holistic policy based on three tenets of sustainability – environmental, social and economic.
A Policy is a Path – Part 1: Planning Environmental Sustainability into your Company’s Future
Some days, learning something from a client can be as simple as rethinking a typeface choice because of their reaction. Sometimes, it can completely revolutionize the way you do business.