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Employees live the brand when they understand their purpose

When employees understand the part they play in the company’s larger purpose, they live out the brand you’ve built. Ralph Vasami, president and CEO of Universal Weather and Aviation, talks to Robin Tooms about how he personally helped employees understand their purpose at Universal.

Assess legacy brands to preserve brand equity in M&A

Acquiring multiple brands? Assessing each to determine how much equity it has before creating a holistic branding strategy is essential. Donna Smith, director of marketing and communications for Forum Energy Technologies shares about the discipline required to bring in multiple new brands.

Brand Advocates: A Tale of Two Car Dealerships

Recently, I had the privilege to see a company whose brand advocates inspired action and loyalty. My husband and I were in the unenviable position of being in dire need of a new car, the old one having finally given up the ghost. Our search took us to two dealerships – one we had been attracted to by radio commercials promising unbeatable deals, and one that had been recommended to us for the positive experience of working with them.