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Maximizing energy from your employees with a more purposeful workplace experience

How do you get maximum energy from your employees? Is it about purpose, and where does strategy fit in? If you’re doing it right, it all works together as it connects and inspires. Savage’s Bethany Andell chats with Lauri Goodman Lampson, president of PDR, a workplace consulting and design firm.

Build a brand, and not just a logo, by getting the C-suite involved

Your executive team is a key stakeholder group in any rebrand process. The key here is to include them and to follow a strategic process. Why? Because you can’t solve big brand fragmentation challenges just by having a team work on the tactics – a new logo, or a new website. Robin Tooms interviews Chris Levy, Global Marketing Director at Quest Integrity, for ways to keep this process on track.

Tips on how to plan and monitor your digital media placements to protect your advertising budget

Budgets are tight, so wouldn’t you want to make sure your ad dollars are hitting your intended audience? Myles Rose, Digital Marketing Operations Manager for Gulf States Toyota shares some digital marketing tips to keep your ad buys safe and secure.

Is Google playing a bigger role in your data? If you’re an integrated marketer, the answer is Yes.

Marketers are concerned about omnichannel marketing, but this brings about new integration challenges, such as ‘what happens with the data on the backend?’. When you have the ability for your various systems to share data, such as with a  Data Management Platform (DMP), you can better ‘connect the dots’ with all interactions. Myles Rose, Digital Marketing Operations Manager for Gulf States Toyota shares some insights from the Google Performance Summit and how Google is playing a friendlier role in a DMP.

Before you start a rebrand, look at your corporate strategy and customer alignment first

Multiple brands, bundled solutions, corporate strategy, and rebrands can create chaos on so many levels. And where is the customer in all of this? Robin Tooms asks Chris Levy, Global Marketing Director at Quest Integrity Group.

Do you feel like half of your digital ad dollars are wasted? Not so when you advertise with insights.

Why would a company want to spend money on something like a Data Management Platform (DMP)? (Hint: because working from insights means that your ad dollars are hitting the right people.) Robin Tooms talks DMP with Myles Rose, Digital Marketing Operations Manager for Gulf States Toyota to hear about one way companies counteract this challenge.

What are you doing to promote conversations that matter in your industry?

We’ve all heard about how important it is to be thought leaders in our industry, but this is easier said than done. See how IHS has shaped strategic conversations at its CERAweek conference. Robin Tooms gets the whole story when she hosts Shavonnah Schreiber, director of global campaigns and events at IHS, Inc.