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Ready for My Close-Up: Using Video to Drive Sales

We live in a world increasingly dominated by video content. It’s true offline, with Americans watching an average of five hours of television each day, and it’s also true in the digital space. In fact, online video consumption is on the rise: Americans watched 47.1 billion online videos in November 2013 alone, up from 40 billion in the same time period the year before.

External messages start with internal engagement

If employees aren’t aware of the messages that are being shared about your company, how can they reinforce them? Begin every marketing effort by engaging employees internally first–advice from Donna Smith, director of marketing and communications at Forum Energy Technologies.

Trustworthy companies: When brand and business are interchangeable

If you want to be believed as a company and as a business leader, your business and your brand need to be interchangeable. Jay Steinfeld, founder and CEO of, talks about how they make their brand true in their day-to-day operations.

Alignment of purpose takes the fear out of an acquisition

Every business leader is afraid of losing the heart of his company if he sells; but when both companies are aligned in culture and purpose, there’s nothing to fear. Jay Steinfeld, founder and CEO at, talks about how the alignment of their purpose and Home Depot’s affected their acquisition.

Engage your employees with purpose, and you give your company a huge advantage.

By helping your employees understand the purpose of your company, you open up opportunities for them to build and add value to your brand. Robin Tooms visits with Ralph Vasami, president and CEO of Universal Weather and Aviation.

Where’s Waldo? Mapping social networks to find your company’s influencers

Often, companies looking for their most influential employees don’t even know what they’re looking for. Mapping internal social networks through organizational network analysis helps you pinpoint the most important and influential internal audiences. Jeppe Hansgaard, partner at Innovisor, talks about performing the “Where’s Waldo?” of the business world.