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Even B2B Brands Should Consider Social as Part of the Marketing Mix

Let’s face it, communication channels have multiplied, so numerous touchpoints with your brand are the rule, not the exception. One notable increase has been the proliferation of informal communications, namely social media, which is now an inevitable part of modern day brand communications. More and more potential employees and individuals with buying power are looking to online communities to get a flavor for a company and its brand attributes.

The Advantages of a Strong Company Culture to Employee Engagement

A company with engaged employees is easy to spot. In these organizations, the culture is clearly defined and employees understand the purpose and goals they are working toward. Simply put, there is a feeling of shared success.

What You Can Learn about Recruiting from America‰’s Top 5 Places to Work

What makes a company a great place to work? Each year, Fortune magazine releases a list of the top 100 Best Companies to Work For. We’re taking a closer look at the top five, and what their methods can teach you about improving the working environment in your company.

Assessing Your HR Brand: Are You Retaining the Best & Brightest?

Whether you’ve set out to intentionally create one or not, your company has an HR brand. An HR brand is more specific than your overall brand, and is internal to the company – it encompasses the way your employees experience your workplace and talk about it, the way leadership deals with internal issues and the beliefs employees have about why it’s important to work there.