Purpose, Humanity and Intentionality: Answers to Current Marketing Realities
Leaders we work with are concerned about how to address the realities of today’s remote and virtual world,
On Tone and Timing: Messaging in This Time of Uncertainty
Marketing messaging during a crisis requires tact. Use the pandemic as an opportunity to build trust. Learn how to reframe messaging to elevate your brand.
Seven Stages to Brand Advocacy
While most companies want tribal brand loyalty, many are unclear about how to create raving fans that believe in and support a company’s Purpose. Creating advocacy is a journey—belief and trust can’t be built overnight.
Bethany Andell Quoted in Wealth Management Magazine: What Companies Need to Know About Annual Reports Today
In their most recent edition on newsstands, Wealth Management magazine released an intriguing story on the gradual decline of physically printed annual reports published by publicly traded companies.
Save the Tamales! A Treasure Hunt of Creative Advertising
Even in my groggy morning stupor, I couldn’t help being curious about the graphic posters lining my route to work. “Save the Tamales from Ronald McDonald,” they read. The posters looked almost political in nature – black with an iconic fist raised into the air, grasping a — tamale?
In the Future, Your Marketing Materials Read You
Science fiction gives us a glimpse into the future, like the sci-fi thriller Minority Report, set in 2054, that demonstrated an interesting concept: the ability to market based on facial (or, in the case of the film, retinal) recognition. We’ve already seen companies try to harness this sort of technology to put clients’ messages directly in front of their prospective customers.
Need More Effective Communications? Start by Aligning Your Brand with Your Culture
Your company is sending out communications every day, but do these messages paint an accurate picture of your customers’ experience with the company? If your customers see a disconnect between what you say you do and what your employees actually do, then that creates a “credibility gap” for your brand.
Tips for Effective Communications – Stop when there is nothing more to take away
When marketing our companies, we seem to have an incurable itch to put everything and the kitchen sink into our communications. We erroneously believe that the more we tell our audiences, the better they will understand why they need our products and services.
Storytelling for Branding and Marketing. Links to Read and Follow.
Stories motivate, inform and inspire. Like campfire stories of old, they are memorable because they invite the audience to “actively participate” and absorb key points by relating to the narrative elements. Because of this, storytelling is a powerful tool for brand communications (and let’s not forget social media too).